The Functions of a Dermatologist
A dermatologist is a doctor who deals with the skin, they are skin care doctors who treat the various skin conditions and they are responsible for prevention of a certain conditions such as skin cancer. They can also provide diagnosis for disorders in the nails, hair and scalp. For a one to be a certified dermatologist you have to complete a medical degree, finish a hospital internship and receive three more years of a specialized medical boot camp that will enable them come out as experts in skin, nails and scalp conditions.
Some dermatologists at http://www.surgical-dermatology.com/ opt to get more specific training in the different fields of dermatology that will enable them become expert pediatrics, surgeons and cosmetic professionals. There are a group of dermatologists who deal with acne treatment. They use certain techniques such as laser treatment, topical and oral medications. Laser treatments help manage the number of breakouts hence reducing the challenges of suffering from acne. Dermatologists classify the diagnosis of acne into four types. They will evaluate the types of comedowns present, the extent of the acne damage, the intensity of the breakout and which areas the acne has affected.
For wrinkles to be treated, older folks can use wrinkle removal to make their skin to appear years younger. Some treatments such as Botox, Juvederm, Perlane and Restylane will ensure you are beautiful on the long term. When one starts aging, the skin becomes thinner and less collagen is produced which leads to a wrinkle formation. Other than the dermal layer thinning it also becomes less elastic as the skin does not produce the elastin fiber that is responsible for elasticity. The skin also ages quickly because of exposure to UV rays, UVB or UVA which accounts to 90% of the skin aging cases. Learn how to find the best dermatologist with these steps in http://www.ehow.com/how_4464067_find-best-dermatologists-nyc.html.
For birthmarks, stretch marks, scars and tattoo removal the dermatologists employ cosmetic techniques such as microdermabrasion, collagen injections, use of laser, peeling using chemicals and fat transfer procedures if need be. The procedures may be painful but the aesthetic will provide a means to help with the pain such as the use of anesthesia.
Surgical Dermatology & Laser Center also handle Rosacea which is a skin condition that majorly affects the facial skin and may cause a lot of discomfort due to itching. There are a combination of treatments that will help such as use of ointments, lotions and gels. Another condition that is treated is psoriasis which causes rapid skin cell production causing itchy flaky skin. The doctors can handle this with no worries.